The Glennie School, Toowoomba


Glennie Community Kindergartern is filled with young children who are full of hope and imagination. They are optimistic, enthusiastic and ready to learn.

We believe in providing a fun-filled and supportive environment for girls and boys? to learn through play and exploration.

Our Kindergarten and Pre-Prep programs are the start of an exciting and rewarding journey. Children are given new opportunities to explore, discover and grow together while developing their unique talents.

Glennie’s play-based curriculum is full of inspiring learning experiences that sustain each child’s engagement and develop their creativity, social skills, emotional wellbeing and higher-order thinking.

Literacy, numeracy and technology are integrated into the program to ensure your child is well-prepared for the transition to Prep.

Located within the grounds of the Junior Years Campus, our Kindergarten  provides spacious indoor and outdoor environments, with natural play areas inviting young learners to explore and discover as they build their curiosity, confidence and competence.

Children are encouraged in independent and collaborative play and our experienced educators use early childhood learning strategies to provide support and guidance.

Throughout the year, Glennie’s specialist Junior Years teachers introduce the Kindergarten children to dance, perceptual motor skills, religious education, music, art and the library.

The children delight in the variety these activities add to the Kindy program, ensuring that by the time our Kindergarten girls are ready to move into Prep, they are already familiar with the Glennie Junior Years campus and teachers.

Junior Years

We know want girls want. Girls want to do well, they want to fit in and be part of a group, and more than anything, girls need to feel like they belong. 

At Glennie we want that for our girls. For a girl to thrive, to fully reach her potential, she must be happy and feel a sense of belonging.

Everything we do in the Junior Years reinforces this idea. Each girl is supported by her classmates, teacher, specialist teachers and support staff, who work together to ensure she has an opportunity to flourish.

Our Junior Years provide the foundation for all future learning, values and beliefs. It is where curiosity and a life-long love of learning are fostered. Glennie provides a warm and caring environment that supports diversity and embraces both the thinkers and inventors.

Through building positive relationships, Glennie Girls learn the necessary skills to communicate effectively and respectfully with people from all walks of life. 

A key element of The Glennie Junior Years is developing leadership skills and strength of character. Character education is taught both explicitly and implicitly by embracing our school values of COMPASSION, RESPECT, INTEGRITY AND COURAGE. It is a shared responsibility of each staff member to promote essential life skills through participation in clubs, camps, activities and sporting teams, as well as engagement with our extensive music and adventure programs.

By the time a student reaches Year 6, she will have had lots of experience working in teams, and many opportunities to lead and speak publicly.

“My parents have been able to see me mature into a driven, empathetic, kind, respectful and enthusiastic person throughout my time at Glennie.”

Senior Years

The Senior Years student experience is designed to equip girls with the skills they will need to contribute confidently to the world and life beyond school. We aim to identify and cultivate student interests and talents, fostering a love for learning and a curiosity in new ideas and opportunities. Our learning program is diverse, challenging and engaging, with a focus on enriching experiences for all students.

At Glennie, we encourage new students to make connections, develop skills and find their own voice in a supportive and caring environment. Our Year 7 program welcomes students from the Junior Years and other schools with joy and compassion. They grow in independence, embracing academic rigour and co-curricular activities as they develop.

We understand the profound significance of providing leadership opportunities. We believe that leadership is not just about holding positions, but also about cultivating resilience, collaboration, critical thinking and empathy. Our students actively engage in various leadership roles. These include the Year 7-12 Student Representative Council; the Interyear Program, in which Year 11 students mentor Year 7 students; and the Big-Sister-Little-Sister Program to community service projects that teaches girls to make decisions, inspire others and create positive change.

In the Senior Years, Glennie girls push themselves beyond their comfort zones, take risks and persevere when the going gets tough. They are encouraged to develop a growth mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities to learn. They set high standards for themselves, and develop the ability to analyse and think critically. Through this process, Glennie girls become resilient individuals, who can confront obstacles with confidence.